Monday, May 27, 2019

Day 7-9: Dubrovnik

Day 7: Made it to Dubrovnik

After a slight hiccup at the airport of a nonexistent flight, we made it to Dubrovnik. Instead of the nonstop one hour flight, we had to fly to Munich, sprint thru the airport just in time to make it to our plane before the doors closed. So you know... similar amount of stress. 

One thing I can tell you for sure is Dubrovnik is not made for rolling suitcases. But it is great for a bootie workout. This is a portion of the 150 stairs we will do to get to our apartment every day from the main square. 

Our first Croatian meal was at a cute little place right by our apartment called Lady Pi-Pi. Our apartment host suggested it and she was right. It was the perfect place to start the trip. 

Who doesn’t want a plate full of seasoned, grilled over an open fire, meat (and fries). 

When we started eating dinner there wasn’t any wait to get in. Half way thru dinner, we found out it was a hotspot. People waited in line for a long time to eat in this place. Kelly says she had the worst seat in the house because this whole line was staring at her while we finished up. Which was hard to rush, did you see that big plate of meat? We had to take our time on that...

Our home street looking down. We were able to adventure a little before we called it a night. 

Day 8: Walls and Kayaks

Thanks to the renovations going on near our apartment, we did not have to fear sleeping in too late. Which was great because we got up on the Dubrovnik fortress wall before it was too crowded. And we were so lucky to finally have a sunny day!!  We made sure to make the most of it. 

I think we could show a thousand pictures of this place and not know which one is our favorite. Here are a few to get the idea.

And of course the standard fortress selfie.

I can’t get enough of the color of the water

So many different colors of blue. Here is the bay that convinced us we should do the kayak tour. Black water bay from game of thrones if you were curious. 

This isn’t us, but it was about to be. 

And then it was us! Here’s the first stop on the kayak tour, a hidden cove and beach. 

This is where we held snorkel gear. Yes, that’s right. We were too chicken to get in the cold water. We had every intention of snorkeling when we took this picture... I promise. 

Our second stop was a cave on the island of Lokrum just off the coast of Dubrovnik. Right before entering this cave, we saw our first fully nude beach. Lots of naked old guys hanging around, pun intended. I apologize (or you’re welcome) for no pictures. 

Then, we headed back home with gorgeous views of the city walls. 

We had achey legs from all the stairs and now achey arms from kayaking. What better way to medicate our weary bones but with a Croatian wine tasting: 3 whites and 3 reds

Day 9: Rainy birthday 

We lucked out with a sunny day before, but my birthday had lots of rain. It wasn’t the worst thing though. We have been traveling for 9 days. We needed a relaxing day. I finished a book. Kelly got a much needed nap. It was glorious. During one of the breaks in the rain, we adventured out to Buza Bar. It was this hidden bar on the rocks outside the walls. There isn’t even a restaurant sign outside of the entrance. I poked my head in this little alley...

And imagine my surprise when this is what I found. 

Quite the birthday surprise indeed. A little rosé on the rocks (no I don’t mean ice in my drink). We were out on the rock wall. It was so cool!

It was so pretty out there. We would have stayed for hours had it not started raining again shortly after. 

At the next break in the rain, we headed for a local winery. Unfortunately, it started to rain again and after 30 minutes of walking turned out to be closed (learn from us: don’t forget to check hours before you head on this time of journey). But it did have some pretty views along the way too. 

A quick improvisation and we were at the Dubrovnik Brewing company hiding out from the rain. 

For dinner, we decided to try a Bosnian food restaurant, Taj Mahal. The potato and spinach pies were so good. I think they called it burek. I already want to go back and have more. 

The final and most important activity of the night was to take our cold, wet clothes to the laundry mat and dry them. I had such an amazing birthday so this really is saying a lot... the very best part of my day was having clean and, most importantly, dry socks and undies. Here I am proudly carrying a duffel bag full of dry clothes up 150 steps. 

Goodnight Dubrovnik. You are even prettier at night when all the lights turn on and most of the daytime tourists leave. This was our last day with you because tomorrow we will spend our last day in this area in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

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